Christian Education

Our Christian Education Committee works cooperatively with our Pastor to establish a program of instruction in, and investigation of, our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Our church library is a great resource.
Special programs are offered throughout the year.  
Bible Study  and Workshops are two examples.
Sunday School is offered also.

Our Children’s Sunday School

The Children's program at VUCC:  
The Children’s Sunday School involves sharing God's love, educating the children on their faith journey as they express what God means to them. The children develop their music skills while singing and playing children's hand-bells. They learn to become aware of their environment and look at how they can make a difference in this world through the love of God.

Bible Study

Each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.  in Chable Parlor, our Pastor holds a discussion on the scripture.  Topics are jointly selected by congregants and the Pastor.  
Check our events to find out what's upcoming!

Our Library

The mission of the Library Ministry is to serve as a resource and reference center offering materials brought together to help enrich lives, provide a means to gain knowledge, help with leisure, deepen spiritual understanding and offer spiritual nourishment and growth to individuals and our congregation.
The Church library is home to over 1000 books which were donated by members or purchased by ....All books have sign-out cards and are shelved using... We are fortunate to have excellent librarians.
On your way into the Sanctuary, stop and chat with our volunteer, who can recommend a book for you.
Reading for Renewal has been a program of Florida UCC Women for almost 50 years.  It encourages women to read a variety of books that will challenge, entertain and engage them.
Click on the photo above for the latest list of books in the Reading for Renewal program.


We offer a variety of workshops on issues that are of interest to our congregation, based on survey results and in keeping with our mission and vision statements.
Workshops range from one hour to one day.
Recently we held workshops on the topic of Banning Books in libraries and Revisiting Racism: A Just World for All, in recognition of Martin Luther King jr.
We also held a series of three seminars on Alzheimer's vs Dementia.
Coming up... a workshop on LBGTQ+.
Check the Calendar for more information.
Church Calendar
Church Meetings