Grateful - VUCC is a congregation of Grateful people. Grateful for our experience of the love of God, for our relationship with Jesus and for Christ's promises of new life and justice for all, for the resources God has entrusted to us for serving God and humanity.
Generous - Our Gratitude leads to Generosity; a desire to bless others because we have been blessed. Generous: with our time, with the financial resources God has entrusted to us, with our energy and skills, with our love and caring.
Giving - Our Generosity shows itself in Giving
These three G's lead us into a deeper, more inspiring relationship with God, the Great Spirit, the maker and sustainer of heaven and earth.
These three G's lead us into prayerful mission to bring God's Good News of love, freedom and justice to all people.
Give the three G's a try and discover that, like love, blessings are something that only multiply when you give them away.