Rev. Barbara Leininger Dickason
Senior Pastor
Rev. Barbara Leininger Dickason was raised, ordained, and served in the Church of the Brethren for many years. She joined her first United Church of Christ (UCC) in 1997 and was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 2023. Rev. Dickason said she joined the UCC denomination because of its support of everyone, no matter who they were or what they believed, in a loving way. Following UCC practice, she is happy to be called Pastor Barb.
She has degrees from Manchester (IN) University, Bethany Theological Seminary (IN), and is working on a Doctor of Ministry at Eden Theological Seminary. Pastor Barb and her husband Rob have a son and daughter and four grandchildren.
She has degrees from Manchester (IN) University, Bethany Theological Seminary (IN), and is working on a Doctor of Ministry at Eden Theological Seminary. Pastor Barb and her husband Rob have a son and daughter and four grandchildren.

Barbara Quinn
Musical Director & Office Assistant
Barb Quinn has served as the VUCC Director of Music since 2011 and the Office Assistant since 2022. Before “retiring” in Florida, she was a public school music teacher (NH and Maine), a Director of Fine Arts (Maine), and a Middle School Principal (Maine). She has been involved in church vocal and instrumental music for most of her life and loves the VUCC choir family and congregation. Barb has a B.S. in Music Education, M.S. in Education (self-designed major), M.S. in School Administration, and a Level III Certificate in Orff Music Education.

Lynda Weston
Bella Handbell Director
Lynda has served as the Bella Handbell Choir Director since 2022. A bell ringer herself for many years, she is enjoying the opportunity to direct this group. Conducting was one of her favorite classes when she minored in music for her BA degree in English and education from Otterbein University. Before moving to Florida, she resided with her family in Mt. Vernon, Ohio attending a UCC church there. The Westons spend their summer months with family in Portland, Oregon.
Our Leadership Council

Our Leadership Council is elected and approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting, and serves as the Board of Directors of the Church. Its primary focus is to work together to ensure the success of the Church’s efforts to meet our Vision and Mission Statements while considering the fiscal impact of its actions.
The Council consists of nine officers: Moderator, Treasurer, and Church Clerk;
Six Vice-Moderators of Teams: Buildings, Grounds, Finance, Human Resources, Technology and Vision;
and Five Voting Committee Chairs of: Christian Education, Church Family Life, Missions, Women's Fellowship, and Worship.
Click on either link below to see more.
The Council consists of nine officers: Moderator, Treasurer, and Church Clerk;
Six Vice-Moderators of Teams: Buildings, Grounds, Finance, Human Resources, Technology and Vision;
and Five Voting Committee Chairs of: Christian Education, Church Family Life, Missions, Women's Fellowship, and Worship.
Click on either link below to see more.