Prayer Shawl Ministry

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History of Prayer Shawls

Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance. A prayer shawl that is lovingly created, blessed, and wrapped around the shoulders of someone who needs the sort of comfort and love that only a shawl can provide. With its roots based in love, prayer shawl making combines the ancient method of needlework and prayer into a tangible, unconditional symbol of care, concern, and celebration.

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Our Ministry at VUCC

Our God is one of love and comfort, we at Venice United Church of Christ give thanks for the opportunity to share a tangible gift to those in need, the prayer shawl. We know that sometimes a physical reminder can bring hope, healing and peace to someone who is crying out. We pray that these prayer shawls bring comfort to those who will receive them and that God, will open our eyes so that we might see, open our ears so that we might hear and open our minds so that we might know who is in need of God’s healing power and presence. Open our hearts so that we might reach out to them.

“You Gave Me Comfort.”