Women’s Fellowship

Our courageous women make a difference in so many lives.

Women’s Fellowship 

 Our Women’s Fellowship does a great deal to help others. They are a group of women who are both ministry and mission-minded and really care for others.  

Our Women’s Fellowship purpose is to promote fellowship among the women of the Church as they work and serve together, and to cultivate the spirit of Christ in women as they begin with their own, lives and reach out into the home, the community, and the world.

Some of the many annual events include: The Rummage Sale, The Basket Auction, Advent by Candlelight, and the January Bakeless Bake Sale.

Ginnie Behan, FINANCE Vice-Moderator

Dee Rogers, Women’s Fellowship President


Red Bag Ministry

Every year our members fill Red Bags for the homeless with toiletries, food, socks games, sunscreen, etc. Some of the bags are taken to the Emanuel Lutheran Coffee Talk program at the train station and the rest will go to the On The Spot ministry. This is a wonderful ministry that helps so many in need.


Angel Chefs

These angels offer a home cooked meal to many of our members and friends of VUCC on specials days such as, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. Some of our members don't cook or cannot cook. They eat prepared frozen dinners, a can of soup, whatever they can find in the pantry. This gives them the opportunity to have a homemade meal that is prepared with love and care. You cook whatever you like for you and your family and make extras to be delivered to a member or friend.


Diaper Ministry

We buy diapers for the Venice Area Pregnancy Care Center to help mothers and their babies. Those who work in this ministry are passionate, aware, and dedicated to happy and healthy babies.


Breakfast at Applebees

We serve breakfast periodically and the funds made go to charity.


If you would like to know more about our Women’s Fellowship Ministry, just click on the Adult Ministry button.

“Good works are links that form a chain of love.”

— Mother Teresa